Our Thoughts
We pride ourselves on staying ahead of industry news and trends, and on extracting clear and meaningful guidance from complicated topics.

Our Thoughts
We pride ourselves on staying ahead of industry news and trends, and on extracting clear and meaningful guidance from complicated topics.

Captive.com: 7 Ways Captive Insurance Companies Provide a Competitive Edge
Spring recently published an article on Captive.com illustrating 7 ways captive insurance can benefit organizations. Check out the full article […]

Breaking News from the Department of Labor: ERISA Exemption for Pension Risk Transfer via Captive Approved
The United States Department of Labor (DOL) has tentatively authorized an Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) exemption regarding pension […]

Captive Review: Revealed: Captive Review US Awards Nominees
We’re excited to announce that Spring has been shortlisted for top Actuarial Firm and Captive Consultant in this Captive Review’s […]

Long Term Disability in the Airline Industry: Don’t Fly By this Potential Solution
Every industry has its own challenges and nuances. Since our client base is widely varied, we routinely partner with our […]

Captive Intelligence: DoL considers ERISA exemption for pension captive transaction
For the first time, the United States Department of Labor (DOL) has tentatively authorized an Employee Retirement Income Security Act […]

GCP Short: edRISK Launches Property, Liability Programmes
In a recent podcast from Global Captive Podcast, president and CEO of edRISK, Tracy Hassett, and our SVP, Prabal Lakhanpal, […]

CICA: Changing of the Guard: Attracting New Talent to Fuel Captive Growth
Our SVP, Prabal Lakhanpal, was featured in a panel discussion alongside other CICA NextGen participants to discuss how to best […]

Redefining Risk: Trends and Takeaways from RISKWORLD 2024
Every year, the Risk Management Society (RIMS) hosts its annual RISKWORLD conference, serving as an opportunity for 10,000+ risk professionals […]

Captive Intelligence: Workers’ Comp Captive Suitability Continues, Gateway for Future Lines
Our SVP, Prabal Lakhanpal was quoted from a recent article from Captive Intelligence regarding the relationship between workers’ compensation and […]